martes, 21 de abril de 2020


Hi students! I hope you are ok!
How were your vacations? I hope wonderful!
Now is moment to continue working!

Our objectives for this week are:


OBJECTIVES:      a) Review about talking the past events.
                            b) Review of past perfect vs simple past
                            c) Vocabulary review: money, values, jobs.
                            d) Reading and listening exercises.

MONDAY:         a) Solve and print the exercises in the internet page:
                           b) Listen the song : “Somebody that I used to know”
                           c) Sing the song several times.
                           e) Print and paste it in your notebook.

Resources: Youtube

TUESDAY:        a) Review of past perfect continuous.
                              Check the grammar notes again in:
                          b) Solve and print the exercises.
                          c) Paste the exercises in your notebook.
                          d) Check the game in:
                          f) Copy the fixed sentences in your notebook.

Resources: Internet, notebook, Grammar notes.

WEDNESDAY: a) Listening:
                           choose the intermediate B1 listening “A good night’s sleep”
                           This is a radio interview; answer the exercises to practice and improve your           
                           Listening skills.

                          b) Listen: “At the library” ;  the activities are the same in a.
                          c) if you can, download the activities ( multiple choice, fill the gaps), if you can’t
                             copy the activities in your notebook).

Resources:  Internet

THURSDAY:    a) Watch the picture “Juno” and answer the questions:
                             -Describe what happens in the picture
                             -What was her mother’s reaction?
                             -What was her friend’s reaction?
                             -What did Juno say she was going to do?
                             -Do you like her idea?

Resources: “Juno” picture.  Youtube, Netflix.

FRIDAY:           a) Writing: What would you do , if you were Juno?
                         b) Writing: Sinopsis about the picture ( at least 10 lines)
                         c) Make a poster where you can describe your idea about the picture.

Resources:   cardboard, colors, drawings, notebook.